Smoothing Triangle Meshes
4 minute read. My Manifold library operates on triangle meshes because they are a lowest common denominator representation of a solid that all others, from NURBS to SDFs, can be converted into. However, it can take a huge number of flat facets to adequately approximate the smooth curves of these other representations, particularly in manufacturing where graphics cheats like Phong shading are not available. Therefore, it would be convenient to be able to smoothly interpolate a triangle mesh so that fewer triangles could adequately approximate the desired curved surface. I have devised such a method which I will describe here, but first, a little background. When I was working on the 3MF spec (3D manufacturing format), we were trying to avoid the pitfalls of AMF (additive manufacturing format), one of which was curved triangles. The idea was that faceted meshes could be refined to a smooth shape by interpolating each triangle's corner vertices and normal vectors; the problem w...